One Year of Free Food and Treats to Win Contest
The contest “Petstory: One Year of Free Food and Treats to Win’ (hereinafter the “Contest”) is organized by Legault Innovation Inc. (hereinafter the “Organizer”), whose head office is located at 11200, Renaude-Lapointe St., Montreal (Quebec) H1J 2V7. The Contest opens on June 11th, 2023 at 07:00 a.m (EST) and closes on July 23rd, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. (EST) (the “Contest Period”).
The Contest is open to physical residents of the Province of Quebec aged 18 or over at the time of entry. Employees, agents or representatives of the Organizer, any company, trust or legal entities controlled by or related to the Organizer, its advertising or promotional agencies, its supplier of prizes, materials or services linked to the Contest and any of the above persons’ or entities’ immediate family members (brother, sister, children, father, mother), their legal or de-facto spouses and any other people living with these employees, representatives and agents, are excluded from the Contest.
No Purchase required. Limit of one entry per person. Participants must:
- Follow the Petstory Instagram Page (@petstory_ca)
- Like the post
- Comment under the post with the name of their pet
- Tag a friend in their comment
A total of one (1) winner will be randomly selected among the participants.
A total of one (1) prize consisting of one year of free Petstory® dry food, wet food and treats for a total value up to an amount of $500 CAD ((quantity evaluated for a single pet cat or dog). The prize will be awarded in the form of twelve (12) dry food coupons, soixante (60) wet food coupons, twenty-four (24) treats coupons. A total of ninety-six (96) coupons redeemable in one of the Mondou stores every month for a period of one (1) year from August 1st, 2023:
- One (1) Dry Food coupon/month
- Five (5) Wet Food coupons/month
- Two (2) Treats coupons/month
Each of the ninety sixteen (96) coupons must be redeemed in a given month, indicated on the coupon, in the Mondou store chosen by the Confirmed Winner. The Confirmed Winner must select one Mondou store and all coupons must be exchanged in the selected store only. Each coupon must be redeemed at the latest on the last day of the month mentioned on the coupon failing which the coupon will be automatically voided and will become null and void, and this, without possibility of exchange or refund of any nature whatsoever.
The chances of a participant being selected depend on the number of eligible entries registered during the Contest Period in accordance with these Contest rules.
The draw will be made at the above-mentioned Organizer’s head office on July 24th , 2023.
The participants whose name have been drawn will be contacted by the Petstory Instagram Page during the same week under his Instagram comment and with a direct Instagram Message (a “Chosen Person”).
To be declared a “Confirmed Winner”, the Chosen Person must:
a) Answer by Direct Instagram Message to the Organizer’s comment within ten days of the draw. The Chosen Person will have to provide all additional information required including full name, full address with postal code, e-mail address and age for verification purposes.
b) On request and in a timely manner, provide a copy of a government-issued photo ID (such as a driver’s license or a health-insurance card;
c) Choose the Mondou store where the monthly coupons will be redeemed for Petstory® dry food. When a participant is disqualified, another participant will be drawn randomly from all remaining valid entry forms until one winner is confirmed. The prize will be sent by Purolator to the winner no later than 10 business days after confirmation of identity and address to the Organizer.
a) By entering or attempting to enter the Contest, every participant accepts and agrees to abide and be bound by the official Contest rules and any decision made by the Organizer with respect to any aspect of the Contest.
b) Only the Chosen Person will be contacted. No prize will be awarded unless the winner has been confirmed.
c) The Chosen Person must respond to the Organizer's Direct Message within 10 business days, failing which he/she will lose his/her right to the prize. The prize will then be awarded to another person randomly selected among the contest participants and the same procedure will be followed until one (1) winner is confirmed.
d) The prize offered shall be accepted “as is” and shall not be exchanged for money, sold, transferred or otherwise disposed of. No substitution will be permitted.
e) The Organizer reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify a participant if: i. The game rules are not fully completed or if he or she transgresses or attempts to violate these Contest entry rules; ii. The participant has acted unfairly or in a manner that interferes with or intends to annoy, torment, threaten or harass another person. When a participant is disqualified, another participant will be drawn randomly from all remaining valid entry forms until one winner is confirmed.
f) In the event that it is impossible, difficult or more expensive for the Organizer to award a prize as described in the Contest rules, the Organizer reserves the right to award a similar prize or in its sole discretion, the monetary value of the prize indicated in the Contest rules.
g) To the extent permitted by law, any person entering or attempting to enter the Contest releases the Organizer, all companies, trusts and other legal entities controlled by or related to the Organizer, their advertising and promotional agencies as well as Facebook, and their employees, agents and representatives, from all damages or claims that may result from the person’s entering or attempting to enter the Contest or from accepting or using the prize or goods acquired by means of the prize.
h) The Organizer reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, change or suspend the Contest, in part or in whole, in the event that an incident or human intervention occurs that could alter or influence the administration, security, impartiality or unfolding of the Contest as described herein, subject to the approval of the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Québec, if required.
i) In the event that the computer system is unable to register the Contest entries during the Contest Period for any reason whatsoever, or if the Contest must close, in part or in whole, prior to the end of the Contest period specified herein, the selection of the Confirmed Winners could be held, at the Organizer’s sole discretion, among the duly registered entries over the course of any given day or week, or from the start of the Contest to the moment when the incident caused the Contest’s closure to new entries.
j) In no event shall the Organizer be required to award more prizes or any prize other than in accordance with the official rules of the Contest stated herein.
k) Any costs that may be incurred as a result of obtaining the prize are the sole responsibility of the Confirmed Winner.
l) By entering the Contest, a participant who wins a prize authorizes the Organizer and its agents and representatives to use for advertising and promotional purposes, if necessary, his or her name, photo, image, voice and city or town of residence without compensation of any kind and without limit as to the period of use. The Confirmed Winner’ name and city or town of residence may be published namely on the Organizer’s Instagram and/or Facebook pages and Website.
m) By entering or attempting to enter the Contest, each participant consents to the collection, use and distribution of his or her personal information (including but not limited to the winner’s name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address) for the sole purpose of organizing, administering and conducting the Contest, with the understanding that the Organizer will not provide this information to any third party other than as required to organize and administer the Contest.
n) The Organizer will nonetheless collect non-identifying information about the participants based on their entry and participation in the Contest.
o) No commercial or other materials unrelated to the Contest will be sent to the participant unless he or she has authorized such communication.
p) All decisions made by the Organizer and its representatives with respect to the Contest are final and without appeal, subject to any decision of the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Québec respecting any issue under its authority.
q) The Contest is subject to applicable federal and provincial legislation.
r) Any litigation respecting the conduct or organization of a promotional contest may be submitted to the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux for a ruling. Any litigation respecting the awarding of a prize may be submitted to the board only for the purpose of helping the parties reach a settlement.
s) In the event of a discrepancy between the French and English versions of the official rules, the French version shall prevail.